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Wednesday, 17 August 2011


Every time we remember to say “thank you”, we experience nothing less than heaven on earth.
This art of thanking taught by my mentor Er.Sujit Lalwani would be my first ever blog all about & want to thank all who made a difference ever since my birth.

@ the Zero'th Level, want to thank GOD( Though not a Firm Believer) for being kind enough to me throughout my life.
Thank you for giving me a life which many others are deprived off. 
Thank you for blessing me with a wonderful family, good education, lovely people to work with, great friends & lovely relatives.
Thank you GOD.

First & foremost special thanks to my PARENTS for giving birth to me.  
Thank you for the care & affection that you have always shown.. 
Thank you for the support, guidance, punishments offered then & there required. 
Special thanks for the kind of bonding we share.
Thank you Appaji, Amma.
Thanks to my young Intelligent brother Ranjith as well.

Equally important Thanks to my Mentor Sujitji, who is not only a Mentor 2 me, he is my Best Friend, my Elder Brother, my Well Wisher & my close Relative... 
(Every child on this earth will have a mother & a father, but I have mother, father & Sujitji). 
Thank you for taking me through a phase of transition in my life with great lessons & realizations which led to a better life.
Thank you for polishing my attitudes and helping me become a better person.
The inspiration you gave has made me see life with a whole new dimension.
Thank you for helping me to discover my potential.
Most Special Thanks to Sujitji.

One person specially I want to thank is my very own friend Shoma, who has been responsible for many good things in my life. 
U have been a part in every cherishing moments of mine.
U have been with me in all the tough times that I have been through as well.  
Thanks for being such a strong moral support in my life. 
Thanks for the trust that you have in me, will keep upto it.
Thank you Shoma.

Special thanks to all my friends from MECPS, SHS, SJCIT, online-BIZ, HP, IIPM....
Thanks for excusing when this kiddoo made mistakes & ganchali's. 
Thanks for the Parties, Hangouts, Nightouts, Get-together's..
Sorry for the fights & misunderstandings. 
Thanks for tolerating this kiddoo. 
Thank you all my Friends.