We are the future of our country. We are the fresh minds our
country. We are the strength of our country. We are the beauty of our country. We
are the majority stake of our country.
We here refers to ‘Youth’ who are useless in every manner according to the society.
But I’m sorry, I understood this couple of years back,
“Youth are not Useless, Youth
are Usedless”.
I meet a lot of youth who have immnese potential in them,
but are suffering from deadliest diseases like Groupism, What will others think
about me, Hypercompetition, etc.
Who are these Youth:
First category, who are extremely brilliant & who will always be in their own world without even putting an effort to understand the outside world.
Second category, who are extremely busy understanding the outside world & don't care to create one for them. Feel they know everything about the world but noting about themselves.
Third category who are always suffering from infeeriority complex, because they neither can be with first category, nor can be with second category.
In this kind of Scenario... wantedly or unwantedly youth are wasting a lot of time understanding each other & trying to become like others to achieve
their dreams & goals.
My simple strong message to all the youth out there would be
to “Follow your heart”. Listen to what your heart says. Don’t care a damn about
the world. Whatever you are interested in keep doing that, keep doing that. Don’t
expect anything in your initial phases. Do so much without expecting anything,
which one day will return you so much that you never expected that.
“Believe in yourself”, because “If you donot believe in
yourself, who else will”.
Continous efforts without expecting anything will surely
& surely fetch you tremendous Success.
Keep yourself Ignited & Keep Walking, World will for
sure recognize you soon.
Success is waiting for somebody who is Genuine.
Thank you & See you soon.
liked those lines
ReplyDeleteWho are these Youth:
and the line believe in yourself because “If you donot believe in yourself, who else will”. good job bharath
wer do u think astrix wud fall into :P
ReplyDeletesuperb...... !!!! i don't have any words to tel for your blogs.......:-)
ReplyDelete:D THIS SMILE CAME OUT BECAUSE THIS BLOG CONTAINS THOSE THING LIKE Follow your heart, If you donot believe in yourself, who else will......... etc WHICH I SAY TO MY SELF EVERY SECOND. yep i do agree to the point expect nothing but do expect a better performance form our side in each an every step we r climbing . spectacular blog !!!! sir
ReplyDeleteYouth is the only answer to our country's problems.. if we can gear up for our nation and for ourselves and do and think like your blog says noone can stop India from becomin the best..